
Saturday, April 24, 2010

Luther Norse

Today the Luther Norse had three tennis meets all at home. Since the meets weren't against the strongest teams, Olivia got to play assistant coach this morning (while Grace took a 3 hour nap!). She headed up to Luther with her daddy at 8:30 dressed in her Norse sweatshirt and very excited to be heading out of the house.

Olivia did great hanging out with dad and watching tennis and was as content as could be until she spotted her grandpa in the upper level of the Regents Center. She managed to get an invite over to Grandma and Grandpa's house for some yummy fruit-snacks and lunch. Auntie Tara was in town too, so Livy got to play with her too!

After nap time (both girls actually napped at the same time!), we headed back to Luther for the three o'clock matches. Thankfully it had gotten nice at this point so the matches were able to be played outside. All of us were dressed in our Norse gear, but unfortunately I never actually got a family picture taken! I did get some good pictures of Olivia, Grace, Roger, and Brian though that are pretty cute. Gracie did great taking a little snooze in the baby bjorn. After that she was eagerly held by many of the Luther ladies. Olivia entertained everyone with her spunkiness. She's clearly already very comfortable at the tennis courts!

By the way - the Norse men finished 2-0 for the day and the woman 1-0.


  1. Great job assisting your Dad coaching Olivia, looks like you knew what to tell him according to the outcome! How nice to have meets in town when everyone can come watch & Brian is home at nite....Keep up the good work Amanda, I so enjoy reading this..Love ya, Grandma

  2. You know how kids who hang out at the pool all day are called "pool rats" Well, I think G and O are going to be "tennis court rats!" Love the pic of Grace in the onesie smiling:)
