
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easter 2010

We had a fantastic Easter weekend.... Much thanks to my family for all the help with Olivia and Grace and for the great trips to the zoo and Children's Museum. Olivia and Grace clearly love their Ba-pa, Momma, and Auntie Ty. Olivia fairly consistently was asking to go outside with her Ba-pa, and Thyme was a trooper about letting Olivia follow her around everywhere! Gracie in particular loves her Grandma. I can probably officially say that Gracie smiled at her the most the entire weekend.

Saturday we went to visit my step-dad's grandma in the nursing home. The kids were a big hit as could be expected and it was great to see Peg looking so well - even thought she doesn't remember me, I'm glad to have many memories of her and her spicy personality!

After naps on Saturday we had an Easter egg hunt. It didn't take Olivia long to get the hang of "hunting," and it was pretty cute to see her expressions as she discovered her eggs. Thanks to Grandma for all the tasty treats and to Auntie Thyme for being such a good example and so helpful to Olivia. This is definitely the start of an Easter tradition.

Saturday evening, my brother Nathan came down from the Cities to spend the night. It was great to see him and get a chance to catch up. We're looking forward to seeing him again this coming weekend!!!

Sunday morning Olivia got to discover (with much help!) both her and Gracie's Easter baskets. She was excited about the suckers and bubble wands. I'm looking forward to next year when she'll understand more about the Easter Bunny (and Santa Clause too!).

Miraculously, we were all able to get ourselves ready to get to church on time. Gracie fell asleep and was quiet the entire time. Olivia did pretty well. She did attempt to go up for the Children's Moment, but it was short lived. After flashing the congregation by lifting up her dress, she did take a seat on the steps with Thyme for a few brief seconds. Then, when she discovered that "mommy too" was not an option, she came back to the pew. Her only other outburst was to say, of course during a moment of silence "YUCKY" loud enough for everyone to hear. Talk about timing!

We had a delicious Easter brunch and after went outside for a little sun, some bubble blowing, and a photo shoot before getting in the car and heading home. Terrible mother that I am, poor Gracie has no pictures of her first Easter. Olivia is reaping the benefits of being the first child in that department I'm afraid - the last picture is my favorite. I promise a photo shoot of Gracie very soon!

1 comment:

  1. great post pandy! so fun to read about your Easter.. can't wait to see you guys soon!
    -auntie Tara
