
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Grace Elizabeth - Three Months!

Today Grace turned three months old! It's amazing how much she has grown and changed these last few months. This last month in particular has been really fun as Grace has started interacting even more with tons of smiles, cooing, and even some giggles. The pictures throughout are my attempt at professional photography. I love using my new camera, and it's fun to edit pictures on my computer and play with cropping, coloring, etc... Enjoy - and I'll fill all the photo requests I've gotten eventually, I promise!

Playtime: For about a 2 week period starting right around Easter, Grace was a rolling machine. I actually had trouble keeping her on her tummy sometimes because she's just roll over right away. Of course, the moment I decided to attempt to get this on video she stopped rolling over. Apparently, she's mastered that skill and doesn't need any more practice. Grace can lift her head at a 90 degree angle and is following objects really well. She's a great talker and seems to understand she'll get attention if she makes some noise. Grace also is becoming interested in the toys that hang down from her play-gym.

Eating: Still doing great in this department!

Sleeping: Grace is doing so well! I'm still keeping my fingers crossed that I'll be able to always say this. Sometimes I can't believe that I was so stressed about her not sleeping at one point. Typically she takes one 3+ hour a nap and then a three 1 hour ones throughout the day. One of these naps is typically in the baby bjorn. At night, Grace is amazing. She goes to bed without much fuss at 7:30 and then, most nights, sleeps till somewhere between 4:00 and 5:30 in the morning! Grace is also sleeping with her arms out of her swaddle now. She puts herself to sleep sometimes by sucking on her fingers. One of my favorite things about putting Grace to sleep is that she falls asleep holding my finger nine times out of ten.

Schedule: This month, I can say we actually have one of these! Wake up = 6:30, First Nap = 7:30, Other Naps = okay these aren't so scheduled except for 3:45 in the baby bjorn, and Bedtime = 7:30.

Favorite things: Being talked to, smiling at anyone who gives her attention, watching the flashing lights on the Baby Einstein music player, being carried face out in hanging position, watching big sister Olivia, hanging out in the baby bjorn - Grace can face out now although we don't do this when I know a nap is on the way, and taking baths (video coming in the near future).

What she can't do (yet): Reach for objects - although I think this is not so far away as she's gazing at them very intently as if she wants to touch them.

What she can do: Smile very frequently, suck on fingers on a very regular basis (no thumb yet though), refuse to keep the pacifier in her mouth, follow objects, look at a new person who arrives near her, and bring hands together over chest.

What I hope: That Grace continues to handle all her babysitters so well and continues to be such an easy going little girl. And, I still hope that one day Olivia will call Grace Grace instead of Baby.

Grace has been such a blessing in our lives. It's so fun to watch her and Olivia together. I feel so lucky to have two wonderful and beautiful little girls!


  1. Great photos Amanda. Fun to keep up with the kids. Grace is growing so fast!

  2. Granda R said.... Another great entry Amanda, so fun to see up-to-date pictures of you & the girls, can't believe Grace is 3 months already!! She sure is another cutie, no doubt & being such a good girl while Mommy adjusts to going back to work, that is a real challenge to keep up with everything, always remember, a clean house is a wasted life...Love ya

  3. What beautiful photos, Amanda. And beautiful babes! I enjoyed reading about the adventures of your little ones.
