
Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Both our girls have a wonderful passion for reading these days. You can imagine how much this pleases their mommy!

Check out Gracie's bed-head.

Gracie's favorite word is "bk," and it is the first word out of her mouth in the morning and the last word she says at night. I don't think she's really excited to see us in the morning, she's just excited to run to her basket of books. Mornings, we usually find her standing up in her crib pointing frantically towards her basket. Gracie still pulls every single book of the shelf downstairs on a regular basis, but at least now there's a purpose to this as she's digging out her favorites. She's really into touch and feel and flip books. She also likes any animal book. We've been working on a lot of animal sounds, so far she's mastered baa, woof woof, neigh, roar, and quack. We're still working on moo, oink, and meow.

Livy has gotten to be great at listening to longer stories. Her most recent interest is reading stories to Grace and to us. This interest has been budding for awhile, but recently it's overpowered even having us read to her. We also tend to go in reading streaks with Olivia where she only wants the same two books for an extended period of time. The video below shows off some of her skills! (It's a little longer, so you might have to wait a few minutes for it to load.)


  1. Grandma R says: I think Olivia is a very good reader! It is so good to hear her sweet little voice. Great video Amanda!

  2. Good job, Livvie! A young reader inspired by her mom!

    Gr. Pat
