
Friday, May 6, 2016

Olivia's First Communion

The first Sunday in May was a big one for Miss Olivia - she got to celebrate her First Communion!  It was a lovely day filled with many memories.

The school had done such an amazing job helping the kids prepare.  I was lucky enough to attend their "First Communion Retreat."  I spent the whole day at school.  In the morning there was a teaching mass with Father Phil; later, we made banners with their names and symbols of communion on it - these hung in the church on First Communion Sunday; and, we spent the afternoon doing various activities that helped them understand the significance of the sacrament.  The day was just another that reinforced my happiness with St. Ben's as the right school for the kids - I just love the focus they can put on helping students understand and develop in their faith while at the same time teaching them all the regular school material.

So many parts of Mass were special for the kids on First Communion Sunday.  To start, it was a student-lead Mass. All of the 2nd graders processed in in the beginning - each student followed by his/her parents.  The way it worked, we ended up sitting in the front pew which was actually great for viewing!  (Grace and Grady sat with Pat and Roger.)  Olivia shared the second reading with one of her classmates - we were so proud of her!  She did really great and read so clearly!  During the blessing of the Eucharist, all the students got to gather around the altar...they watched Father bless the bread and wine and then joined hands around the altar for the "Our Father."  When it was time for Communion, each student and his/her parents went up the stairs to be up by the altar where Father stood.  It was neat how the experience was both private and personal while also being public.  I loved getting to stand behind Olivia and watch a significant moment/milestone in her life - I definitely had tears in my eyes.  First Communion was one more event to remind me how much she has grown up!  At the end of Mass, all the 2nd graders sang a song together.

After Mass and many pictures, we gathered at our house for brunch, gifts, and cake.  Olivia was so excited to have Father Phil over for brunch, too!  :)  As everything was finishing up, we realized we all had missed calls from Tara...  FaceTime opened up to Tony in a room that didn't look like it belonged in their house - he was at the hospital, and Tara had just had the baby - Alexa Louise!  Extra special news for an already special day.  I'm so glad the day turned out as it did - Olivia was pretty proud of herself and thought it was really awesome to have so much love and attention showered upon her!  Thanks to all our family and close friends who helped her celebrate!

 So glad I talked her into the veil!  :)  On her right wrist is a special bracelet from her godparents - Beth and Chris.  She also wore my cross necklace.

 A quick "selfie" before Mass.

 Classic Olivia - love this expression.

And classic Grace....Gracie had a hard time watching her big sis get all the attention.  She kept it together though and informed me the other day that when it's her First Communion, she's wearing that dress all day because it is sooo cute!  :)

The First Communion Class - 
11 of these students attend St. Ben's with Olivia (2 in her class attended and had greeting roles, but they are not Catholic so didn't fully participate).

Olivia though this cupcake-cake was pretty sweet!


  1. Yay for a great post! I saw you commented on my blog so I quick clicked over to yours because I figured you were on here! So glad it was such a great day! And a new cousin to top it off! Definitely won't ever forget Livi's first communion!

  2. Omg I want to fuck every little girl and boy.

  3. so gracie is obviously practicing for when they get home. she's going to suck her big sister's nipples, while fingering her little cunt

    1. love to be f-c-ing her while she does it
