
Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Happy 6th Birthday Grace Elizabeth!

Dear Gracie,

I don't think I know a single kid who has ever been more excited for their birthday than you.  To be honest, you just about drove me nuts this year - you began planning your party back in July (after Olivia's party)....yes, 6 months of listening to you plan and say "I'm not going to invite you to my birthday party" every time you got mad.  Actually, you did stop with that horrible phrase after we apparently scared you with our threat to cancel your birthday party if we heard that one more time!

Your birthday was doubly cool because your class was in charge of Mass at school, so, for the first time, you got to read - you read a petition.  Dad, Grady, and I all came to Mass.Then, at the end of Mass, all the January birthdays came up for a song, and Father Phil told everyone it was your exact birthday.  Your smile was so big - I wish the picture showed it better!  Later in the day, Grady and I came to have lunch with you.  You requested chicken alfredo for dinner; then we opened a few family presents and watched a movie together before bed.

Grady sat by you all of Mass - he thought he was pretty cool. 

January birthday blessing and song

We settled on a gymnastics birthday this year, and you had a fantastic time as all these pictures show. We invited all the girls in your class and a few of Olivia's friends too.  You loved being the center of attention and getting to be first on all equipment.  Your friends are so sweet, and I loved watching all of you play together - I hope your class stays intact because it'll guarantee that you have a solid group of friends!  Other highlights of your party were your Minion cupcakes, and of course, opening a million and one presents.

It wasn't too long ago that I did a little update on you, but I do have a few things to add.

1.  You love school!  You just moved up to the C level of reading books - like your sister, sometimes you like to guess instead of use your phonics skills, but you're improving daily!  At conferences tonight, your teachers were so positive about your independence, ability to stay on track, and kind and caring nature to your friends.  I am so proud of you!

2.  Unlike at school, at home you really want to be enabled...this is not my favorite characteristic by the way!  :)  Pretty much, you want to see what you can get away without doing and figuring out for yourself.  For example, you ask every day of the week what day it ask every day of the week if you're getting cold lunch (even though you know that only happens on Wednesdays), and you ask on Saturdays if you have to go to school.  Of course you know the answer to all these questions!  You also like me to tie your shoes, pack your folder and bag, re-fold all your clothes you throw on the floor, and do whatever else you can get me to do before I realize I shouldn't be doing it!  Maybe I give in because you're just so darn charming whiney!

3.  But really, Grace, you're pretty sweet.  You're so creative and imaginative.  You love playing babies, dollhouse, school, doctor, church, you name it.  You love drawing and coloring and are very detailed with what you make.  You're super good at playing with Grady, and you and Olivia get along nearly always (although you sure can get mad at her sometimes!).

4.  At your well-child check the other day you weighed 42.5 pounds (36th percentile), and were 46 inches tall (64th percentile).  You were awesome at your appointment even though you had to get some warts taken off and had to let the doctor look at your eczema - both of which make you quite upset.  I promised you a stuffed animal for your good behavior - you earned it but seemed to have forgotten about it, and I'm not going to remind you about it since you have plenty of stuffed animals already.  I'm guessing that by the time you read this one day, your obsession with stuffed animals will have gone away.  Oh, and the doctor said you have some impressive tonsils - don't know what that means for the future!

5.  You still love to suck your two fingers but only do this right before you fall asleep or if you're watching television right before bed.  You liked going to the dentist and know she wants you to stop this habit (although your teeth look great).  You don't care what blanket you use as long as its fleece.  You insist on wearing the most random pajamas and love to wear Olivia's although this makes her mad.

6.  Speaking of lately hate jeans, say everything is too small even when it's not, and can't match very well.  Whatever - your random clothes match you and your spunky personality pretty well!

7.  You got to join jazz!  You've wanted this for the last year and have been begging...Miss Laurie let you in for this next session even though you weren't exactly six.  You've been saying you don't want to do ballet/tap any more, but I have to say I'm going to try to keep you going.  You talk about piano sometimes but don't show much interest in it, so that'll wait for a bit too.  Whatever the activity though, you really get into it once your there and finish up with a big smile on your face!

That's about all the new information I've got for you, Gracie Girl.  You're a pretty special little monkey as we still like to call you, and I just can't believe your six.  In fact, even though I'm excited for all that is to come in your future, I'm sad that your six.  You are just growing up too fast!

Lots of love,

1 comment:

  1. your last comment sure says it. SHE IS GROWING UP TOO FAST! Thanks for the great blog. love you gracie poo poo
