
Friday, August 1, 2014

Remembering Camp DuNord 2014

As it is always one of the highlights of our summer, it's about time I get a blog written about YMCA Camp DuNord.  We visited this awesome family camp, located in Northern Minnesota, mid-June and were blessed with a week of wonderful weather, fun activities, and good companionship...and since all but my mom (and Grace who started it all) also got the flu while we were up there, it really must have been fun if we can laugh about the sickness and concentrate on the good times!

The girls were beyond excited for Camp this year.  It's fun to see/hear how they remember it now that we've been going for so long - this was Olivia's 5th year, Grace's 4th, and Grady's 1st.  Olivia and Grace were helpful little packers and were awesome on the car ride.  Grady was great too...especially considering I had him into the doctor before going to Northfield Friday afternoon because of a double ear infection.  He was quite the trooper considering that, two-teeth starting to show, and the longest car ride he'd ever been on!

Ready to go!

I'm very thankful that Grace's Thursday night flu was short-lived - she was her cheerful, sassy self pretty much the entire time.  Grace loved the beach (not the chilly water), the playground, and age group activities.  Usually the girls would have been together in a 4-5 age group setting, but because there were so many kids that age this year, they were in separate groups.  I was a little worried about this, but when I told them, Grace's response was, "That's fine with me."  Talk about seizing the moment.  Besides having a slight upset tummy, Olivia also had a great week.  It was great for me to see her comfort level heading off into age group activities, and I loved when I'd spy her out and about - she'd just wave and smile...a few years ago I'd hide when I saw her group anywhere because I worried she'd start crying!  Grace was the same when I'd see her - she'd run over, give me a kiss, wave, and run back to her group.  :)  Olivia definitely exercised her independence at camp - she thought she was hot stuff since she could find her way to most places by herself, and it made me smile to see her run ahead of us on the paths through camp.  Olivia loved the beach and the water (next year she wants to do the Polar Bear swim which means I'm going to have to do it too), the playground, and age group.  Both girls LOVED spending time at the Woitalla's cabin and getting special attention from their kiddos.

Grady was a sweetheart all week.  He did well with adjusting to a new location, and I was relatively happy with his sleeping.  He really enjoyed getting out and about in the stroller - he'd just coo and smile and everyone.  But, what really got him all excited was hanging in the Baby Bjorn - he'd just go nuts kicking and swinging his arms and legs.  I don't think anyone could walk past him without smiling at his total enjoyment of life! 

As always, many thanks to my mom, Mark, and Thyme for "dragging" us along and helping with the kiddos.  We had a blast and hope you did too!

Here's a recap of the week in pictures:

Clearly, the beach was a favorite spot!

 My mom, Grady, and I went for hike up to Ole' Baldy - beautiful spot!  Grady enjoyed it (but boy was carrying him tiring!) except for when I slipped on the way home...all was fine, but he didn't like the scare and didn't hesitate to let me know it!

 Only a shower in our cabin, but Grady LOVED his kitchen sink baths!

 Grady getting to know the Woitalla family.

Closing ceremony age group presentations.

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