
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Winneshiek County Fair

As usual, I'm a bit behind in my posts, but I've vowed to myself to get all caught up by the weekend - inservice starts on Monday, and then who knows how chaotic it's going to be moving into my room all over again.  My room was re-modeled over the summer.  I went in to school the other day, and it really does look amazing, but I have so much unpacking to do!  It's crazy how fast this summer flew by - it's been a good one though, so no complaints on my part.  Well, okay, so maybe I complained a time or two about the hot weather.  :)

Anyways...shortly after Olivia's birthday, we headed out for a night of fair fun.  Believe it or not, we dropped 50 bucks on tickets - are you kidding?  When did fair tickets get so expensive?  The girls had an absolute blast, and I was majorly impressed by both of their willingness to try rides that we didn't even think about putting them on last year.  While Grace seemed to favor the carousal, Olivia was absolutely in love with the cars.  They also both hit up the roller-coster, but in hind-sight, Grace was probably a year to young.  Tough cookie that she is though, she handled it just fine - we just didn't get the smiles that came with every other ride.  Brian took the girls down the tall slide, and I took them on the "dinasaur ride" which was basically a little-kids version of the tilt-a-whirl.  I was impressed when they wanted me to spin the wheel to get us really whipping around, and I was also thankful that yours truly and her mini-self (Olivia) didn't get sick in the process!

After rides (see pics below), we spend so time admiring the animals and then enjoying malts - the perfect respite from the sticky, hot weather!  All-and-all, a fun evening out!

Grace couldn't stop smiling on the carousal.

Olivia - apparently having the time of her life riding the cars.
Seriously - this was her face nearly every time they circled by...
what a ham.

The mini roller-coaster...another big hit according to Olivia's face.
I'll let you judge Grace's expression yourself.
In my opinion it's either - "Okay, I'm warming up to this," or
"Get me off of here now!"

The "dinosaur ride."

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