I feel like I owe it to little Gracie to update everyone on how she's doing in the sleep department... Well, I'm happy to say that we've made great strides since I last wrote about this issue. Last night (and I'm knocking on wood as I write this) Grace slept through for the first time!!! And I mean she really slept - 7:30 until 6:30 - impressive!
Grace is doing better with napping too. I've finally identified her "sleep" cry so don't feel like I'm missing her sleep window as much as I was in the past. She's also going to sleep without quite as much fanfair. I've got her taking 2 really good naps a day, 1 decent nap, and then some cat naps in the evenings. I'd like to get down to 3, but seriously, I don't have the right to be picky right now and I'm not going to complain! In my book - a nap is a nap.
The napping has been good for everyone. I feel like Grace is happier and, I admit, I'm happier too. I feel like I can get so much more done and have a little time to relax as well. Plus, generally, I feel less stress about going back to work (I go back on April 23) because I feel like I could actually describe her schedule to someone.
I'm totally shocked at how well Gracie has been doing at night. For the past week she's only been getting up once. I thought that was pretty impressive by itself since Olivia got up twice until she was about 6 months old. I'm not going to expect her to sleep through the night all the time, but it's great to know she can!
So, although we still have our moments in the sleep department (usually involving crying, fussing, and/or Brian or I running up the stairs to give Grace her paci or to stop her flailing arms), we have made some major progress. Keep it up Gracie!!!
Super job...Grandma