
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Growing Up...

Every now and again it just hits me that Olivia is growing up so fast. I'm sure I'm not the first parent to say that they can't believe how big their "baby" has gotten! Recently, I've had a lot of these moments and so have decided that it's time to make a list of all the things that Olivia can now do that she couldn't/didn't/wouldn't only a couple of weeks ago.

* Sleep on a pillow
* Reach up and take her sippy off of her high chair tray
* Climb onto the couch or anything else
* Run really well
* Recognize both grandma's and grandpa's houses
* Say "yea" when she's excited
* Go up and down our little backyard hill just for fun
* Throw an occasional tantrum
* Eat cookie dough
* Jump getting both feet off the ground at the same time
* Ask to go "da-da" (bye-bye) when she's bored
* Say three-word phrases - my favorite is "I did it!"
* Climb in and out of the tub (although I insist on helping)
* Sing to herself on a fairly regular basis
* Say teriyaki sauce - well, kind of...
* Smile when told to (for the camera)
* Run away if she doesn't want her picture taken
* Get one leg successfully in her pants
* Take her shirt off (once I help with one arm)
* Put her head into her shirt (sometimes successfully through the neck)
* Understand she can't be done until she takes one more bite
* Put her coat on (usually backwards)
* Take her coat off - including undoing the zipper
* Jump or want to jump off of objects (some safe, some not)
* Give "big hugs" and actually squeeze you tight


  1. ... you forgot, wear absolutely anything on her head (including a potty chair) and look cute doing it!
    Grandma Linda

  2. lovely little p---y

    1. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm love to lick it clean, my dau is her age I love the taste of her p-ssy

    2. any babypussy is nice

  3. love her fat little c u nt i would lick her for hours
