
Thursday, December 5, 2013

4 Weeks Already!


Today, Grady is 4 weeks old...where has the time gone.  Our little guy is doing great!  This last week in particular has proven that Grady is...

* Very cooperative, calm, and easy going (We shopped together for 2 hours today with not a peep out of him!).

* Transitioning out of the "I'm sleepy all the time" newborn stage - he likes to be awake now for at least an hour at a time, sometimes more....but, there's also times during the day that he wakes up, eats, and then goes back to sleep too.

* A big fan of a nice morning and afternoon nap and an early bedtime...perhaps a schedule (of sorts) forming already - that would be very nice!  Grady also drifts off on his own if I lay him down for a nap and just the right "sleepy but still awake" stage.

* Not sensitive to the noise the girls make and comforted by them - especially since they've mastered helping him get a hold of his paci if necessary.

* A strong little guy who's determined to learn to hold his head up as soon as possible - thus, he does pretty well at tummy time, likes to sleep on his tummy during the day, and likes to look around when propped up against your chest (when he's not ready to cuddle in, that is).

* Big enough that newborn diapers are starting to look a little silly on him.

* Starting to smile; today (even though it's a bit early), I swear he smiled at me after getting all warm and cozy in a fleece outfit after his bath!  One of the pictures below has a "smile" look to it, I think!  :)

* An excellent eater who's still on (approximately) a 3 hour schedule all the time...with some longer stretches at night (a whooping 4 hours!) which leave me feeling like I won the lottery in the sleep department.  You can tell from the pictures that he's starting to fill out.

* Both a cuddler and a baby who's content to have a little alone time too - he's really liking his swing right now and watches the mobile attached to it.  He seems to like the music it plays too.

* Starting to like his baths - if only it wasn't cold coming out!

* A very sweet little one who's already growing too fast for my liking!

Enjoy a few pictures of our expressive "little buddy" (as Olivia and Grace have started to call him)!

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