
Friday, November 15, 2013

One Week Old...

It's hard to believe how quickly a week has slipped by...and it's overwhelming to think about how quickly your life can change.  Our first week with Grady has been a really great one, and to quote Brian, "This has been the smoothest transition yet."

We're both giving many thanks to my mom for this; her help this week was invaluable, and as much as I tried not to, I shed a few tears when she left Thursday afternoon.  She left me with a clean house, plenty of food in the fridge, and no laundry - priceless.

We came home from the hospital last Saturday afternoon.  Grady weighed 8 pounds 2 ounces then, and when we went back on Monday for our weight check he was 8.3, which the nurse was very happy with...speaking of the nurse - he peed all over her - quite honestly, the sight of pee arching through the air stunned me into immobility!  :)  We do have to go back in for another infant screening blood test because Grady's thyroid number was a little off; however, this is the most common "error" in the screening process (happened with Olivia too), so I'm not worried about it - just know it's a good idea to get tested again to make sure all is well; too bad the test comes with a needle prick.

Grady is such a good baby - he's so calm and easily comforted.  He likes his swaddle at night but doesn't seem to care about it too much otherwise; however, he does really like to have his hands up by his face when he's swaddled.  With the girls I always wrapped them with their arms down, but I've not done this with Grady because he doesn't seem to distract or scare himself by flailing them around like Olivia and Grace did.  Same goes with the pacifier: sometimes he likes it, but it never seems to be a necessity.  Each morning he's taken a long three hour nap which I've taken advantage of and gotten some napping in myself.  It would be great if this trend would continue!  Days have been pretty easy this week too - Grady likes to hang out in his swing, seems to enjoy tummy time (his neck strength is pretty impressive), and loves to be cuddled.  It's been fun to have some longer awake times during the day too - especially these last couple of days.  Noise doesn't seem to be an issue for Grady at all thankfully because while Olivia can be pretty quiet, this is not the case for Grace!  :)  Nights have been pretty good too with Grady getting up every three hours or so - the best part about nights is that Grady's pretty quick to go back to sleep.

What else...yesterday we had a pretty calm bath time - I hope he learns to love his baths as much as his sisters because this was such a nice night-time ritual, and he's stopped getting upset (most of the time) when I change his diaper.  As of last night, I'm officially moving him up a diaper size at night-time...we've had an occasional wet through at night, but last night, after changing his outfit and blanket three times, I decided a bigger diaper might be helpful!  His belly button is almost ready to fall off and his circumcision has healed really nicely.  Every once in a while Grady seems to get a little troubled with gas, but I've started some drops that seem to be helping with this and in addition I'm not having much to do with milk just in case that's part of it.

Overall, it's been a relatively peaceful week here at the Huinker house...I feel like I have a good case of "baby" brain as this entry is kind of all over the place, but I guess that's to be expected too!  Hope you enjoyed a few updated pictures!


  1. Thanks for the post, I've been wondering how you all have been! Sounds like he is a real sweetie. I love that picture of him on the floor - precious!
