
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Almost there...

Special treats from my 7th hour English 11 class - awe...

As of today, I'm officially 39.3 weeks pregnant - can't say I ever thought I'd make it to this point, but here I am.  And, here I am, very ready to meet this little guy!  This last week has been a pretty uncomfortable one for me...I really try hard to be positive and to concentrate on the fact that more time equals more positive baby development, but it's only getting harder as I'm starting to suffer the typical end-of-pregnancy ailments - sore back, trouble sleeping, really-weird eating habits (wait, maybe that's not "typical" that's just me), and feeling very pregnant.

To be honest, as I left school on Friday, I really thought I'd have a baby this weekend, but, nope, not the case.  I just like to keep surprising my students (and the rest of the faculty/staff) but continuously showing up for work.

Another "to be honest" - I could really do without some of the comments I've been receiving lately...they're just getting plain ol' old.  Here are some of my favorites...

"You must be over-due by now, right???" - No actually a few more days to go.

"Are you putting on about a pound a day now?" - What?  Are you crazy?  I don't even know how to respond to this completely inappropriate and ridiculous comment.

"I just don't know how you put all that lunch in your stomach." - Really, did you just say that to me?

"Didn't expect to see you here today." - This one's not too bad, I just here it all.the.time.

"Were you this big with your girls?" - Again, really?  Seriously, I'm measuring a week small, am on the low side in regards to weight gain, and just want you to go away before I become violent.

Okay, okay, I'll stop.  But, seriously, people need to have a filter when it comes to pregnant women...especially pregnant women who are nearly at their due date.  Recently one day in the teacher's lounge, some older women started talking about babies who were sadly lost in the final weeks of pregnancy.  Why???  Are they out to torture me???  Oh, and the only people I'm comfortable with touching my stomach are my family and close friends...and just because we work in the same building does not make us close!  I'm thankful that Thursday will be my last day no matter what...I can't imagine what the comments would be if I showed up for work next week.

On a positive note - my students are sooooo sweet.  Never once has any one of them said anything offensive - I'm being totally honest here too.  Mostly, they're just curious - and very concerned about what their role is should my water break in the middle of class.  One girl even asked if I was going to be instructing them on what to do if that happened...clearly, they've watched too much unrealistic television!  :)  Last Friday, my 7th our English 11 class surprised me with cupcakes and a sweet little gift and card.  Now, can't some of the adults in the building take some cues from these juniors!

I had a doctor's appointment yesterday, and he said, once again, everything is ready to go.  Didn't gain any weight this week.  I'm still about 2.5 cm dilated and 50% effaced.  I think Dr. Menke was surprised our little guy hadn't already made his appearance.  Baby's heartbeat was 150 - a little higher than normal, but he was jumping around all over the place, so it was obviously an "awake" period.  Keep your fingers crossed that labor instead of the endless braxton hicks contractions is just around the corner!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the post! I've been thinking about you so much:) I agree, people are so inappropriate when speaking (or touching!) a pregnant woman! Oh my goodness, I can't believe that woman spoke about that in the teacher's lounge...awful. How sweet of your class! Very cute and that cupcake looks yummy:) Hoping you go soon and that your lack of sleep is cuz you are holding your sweet baby:) Hugs to the girls, I bet there are getting so anxious!
