
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Dress-up Fun

The girls both love dressing up and putting on costumes. We've acquired a decent number of dress-up things through hand-me-downs from a next door neighbor and Christmas presents over the last 6-months, and the girls couldn't be happier. Grandma Thornton's dress-up chest is constantly open when we visit too. Plus, Gracie is always looking for an opportunity to take her clothes off and switch them for something else! Over break, while playing upstairs in one of their favorite hangouts - Olivia's closet - they discovered a few dresses: one, Thyme's flower-girl dress and the other, an adorable dress my aunt Michelle bought at a store going out of business. I'd guess these outfits have provided at least 3 hours of entertainment - not bad for just being recently discovered! P.S. - Please ignore the crazy hairdo's and concentrate on the cute faces!

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely adorable! Hannah did this all the time & prepared shows for us to watch, dancing around & acting so enjoy these times, they are precious memories....Love , Grandma R.
