
Sunday, January 1, 2012

Christmas 2011 Re-Cap

A belated Merry Christmas everyone! I hope this finds you all enjoying the first day of the new year. We celebrated last night in grand fashion - take-out dinner with friends and family, a movie, and the decision to be sound asleep by midnight! :)

Let's see what I can remember about our extended-Christmas this year. There were certainly many highlights, but they all tend to blur together when I think back. That's good though in my mind - one of my favorite things about break is that I forget what the date is and even what day of the week it is!

Thursday, December 22
School's out! The end of the "year" ended rather hectically for me as I had to pack up my room so the construction crew could remove the tile in preparation for the re-model that will be happening over summer. Just like when we moved houses, I was shocked at how much I had accumulated in my room over the last 8 years - wow, have I been teaching that long! We had a fantastic evening with the Hodens and were happy to re-unite with Aunt Tara and boyfriend Tony whom we hadn't seen since the end of August. The cousins disappeared into the basement to play toys and decorate the Christmas tree Grandma had gotten specially for them. I was a bit of a party-pooper, going to bed shortly after the kiddos - all that paper-grading had really worn me out!

Friday, December 23
The girls and Brian spent the later morning/early afternoon up at his parents while I stayed home and wrapped presents and prepared the house for Santa's arrival. Long naps for both the girls helped prepare them for a fun evening of opening presents and playing! Grace literally started hyperventilating after opening the dolls Grandma and Grandpa gave her, and Olivia was excited about pretty much everything and was very possessive over her extra-large Dora coloring pad from Auntie Tara. We had a fantastic dinner and enjoyed great conversation and laughter. Olivia and I wrote a note to Santa before bedtime, and she put a cookie on a plate for him to eat. She definitely "got" what we were doing and understood that Santa deserved a treat for all his hard work delivering presents. Grace, on the other hand, was upset that she didn't get to eat the cookie. After the girls were in bed, Beth, Chris, Tara, and Tony came down to help us put together the trampoline we (I mean Santa) had gotten the girls. Thank goodness SOME people in the family are handy...and I don't mean my husband whom I love dearly. (PS - If you're wondering why Grace is just wearing her diaper it's because her favorite type of attire is no attire - and if she got it her way, she would wonder around without a diaper too!)

Grace scanning herself with her new cash register.

Saturday, December 24

Santa arrived! The trampoline was by far the biggest hit! The girls took to jumping immediately, and it's been an awesome source of exercise and entertainment. Other big hits were the game Hungry Hippos, the easel with coloring supplies and a dollhouse. All presents were enjoyed even more when Max and Mya came down to visit. Naps were taken by all. Being able to enter church only shortly before it began thanks to Pat and Roger's "purchase" of the Christmas Pew was again a blessing. At one point I left once with a screaming Grace who was upset because she couldn't go sit on the stairs in the front of the church leading up to the alter. The best moment came at the end of the service when the musical leader invited all the Saint Ben's kids (we were at Children's Mass) to come up and sing Away in a Manger. Liv didn't want to go by herself, but thankfully her outgoing cousins lead the way! Liv stood up there the whole time with her fingers in her mouth while Max and Mya sang. Max even knew the actions to the song! Grace cried on her way up and came back to Mommy because she got scared when she stepped on a huge vent that wobbled a bit. Needless to say, it was a rather humorous moment.

Sunday, December 25
Brian woke up not feeling quite right. We called up to Huinkers only to learn that Beth had spent the entire night on the bathroom floor. I decided to make the trip to Northfield by myself; a good decision as Brian got sick himself only 15 minutes after I left. Chris ended up doing the same heading up to see his parents with just Max and Mya (who ended up getting sick later that evening). Officially all member of the Huinker/Hoden family (minus Pat and Chris) have been hit by the flu - can we please be done with sickness now. The most celebrated gift at Grandma and Grandpa Thornton's was definitely the princess gowns Auntie Thyme gave the girls. They had to immediately put them on and wore them the rest of the day. The girls held up well with no naps. We had another delicious dinner with family (missing Brian of course), and I decided to put the girls, and accidentally myself, to bed at 7. I woke up at midnight fully dressed and totally disoriented. Guess I was tired!

The Rest...
We enjoyed more time with family and playing with all our new toys. The girls and I headed home to a much healthier Brian in the late evening of the 26th. We spent the rest of the year unpacking, enjoying our gifts, and relishing time at home and with family. I hope you all did the same!

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