
Wednesday, January 13, 2016

DuNord Recap 2015

Before I write my Christmas/New Year's post (coming soon!), I wanted to get one last recap down from the summer.  I've lost track exactly, but I think this past summer marked my 7th year going to DuNord, and I'm really excited for the tradition to continue next summer too.  It's fun to see how comfortable the girls have gotten at camp - they know their way around, they know what to expect out of Age Group activities, they know the Woitalla family and where to get gummy bears, and they know to expect a great time!  I'm sure it won't take long for Grady to start remembering this annual trip too.  As usual, thanks to my mom and Mark for hosting us.  I'm so glad the girls got this special time with you (again).  This next summer will feel strange without you, but we look forward to sharing a cabin with the Woitallas too!

Here are a few highlight pictures from our stay:

It was worth it to haul along the stroller - Grady did enjoy some nice rides and runs in it.  I know I'll leave it home this summer though because Grady liked walking along the paths with the girls last year so won't have anything else, I imagine, this summer.

 As usual, I enjoyed some great hikes throughout the week.  It's so awesome that Age Group gives adults some time without kids during the week.  This is one of my favorite pictures I took while hiking - usually the Lady Slippers are nearly done blooming when we're there so are hard to find, but last year they were everywhere!

There was a scheduled burn across the lake - so cool to see the flames and smoke - planes/helicopters flew over the burn area for 48 hours and of course firefighters/DNR were monitoring the area closely.  It was amazing to see how much organization goes into an event like that.

Olivia participated in the Polar Bear Swim this, so did I!  Participating was her idea, and she had great fun with it, although this picture makes her look sad (she's in the rainbow swimsuit).  Olivia was always up in the morning getting everyone ready to go; she didn't complain about the cold but always wanted to be wrapped up the second we were done.  This picture is of the day Grace attempted the swim...she didn't make it and ended up standing on the side.  I think she decided it wasn't worth it when she realized she didn't get a T-shirt for just doing it on of the days!  I imagine her competitive nature will have her participating next summer!

As usual, the beach was a place we hit up as frequently as possible.  The weather was amazing and the bugs were basically non-existent which made the beach even more fun than usual...please let it be like that again this coming summer!  Olivia was the bravest with the chilly water, Grace did pretty well, and Grady...well, you can see he has on sandals in the pictures - this was because he hated the sand touching his toes, but at least he liked to play in it)!

 This is the only picture I have of our cabin which is truly a shame because it was the best cabin!  The layout was perfect for us, it was in a beautiful location (secluded yet close to everything), had it's own small beach, and had a great living room area for hanging out.  Wendy and I are crossing our fingers that we get this cabin for next summer.

This is the very fun fairy house my mom and I made with the girls' help/suggestions.  While we did most of the hot-gluing, etc., they were helpful with gathering stones, bark, and other nature stuff for us to put to use.  I have a feeling they'll want to do this activity again this year.

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