
Thursday, April 3, 2014

Wisconsin Dells!

Definitely behind in posts these days...this one is, sadly, nearly three weeks past due.  I'm going to blame my tardiness on three things:  a really good book series, teething, and lack of sleep due to the aforementioned.  Well, now the books are done, the teeth are through, and, while my sleep (or lack-there-of) is still questionable, it's time to catch up!

Mid-March we headed to Wisconsin Dells for a weekend with the Hoden family and the Huinker grandparents.  It was an absolute blast!  Olivia and Grace (and soon-to-be Grady, I'm sure) are pretty obsessed with their cousins, so when we learned they would be moving to Canada after school's out this year, spending additional quality time with them became an instant priority!  I'm so glad this trip worked out, and I think that everyone has great memories of it!

Without permission I'm going to steal a few paragraphs from my sister-in-law's blog because I liked how she summed up the experience so much!

By Beth:

Every day pretty much went the same...wake up, cook an awesome breakfast, go to waterpark, come home, kids jump in warm jacuzzi tub, dry swimming clothes, eat lunch, nap, go to waterpark, come home, kids jump in warm jacuzzi tub, dry swimming clothes, eat dinner, kids go to bed and parents/grandparents crash!!

There were a few other highlights along the way. Tony's sister Erin and her fam live close to the Dells so they came over Saturday night and we cooked dinner and enjoyed some adult time while the kids went wild. Max got to do laser tag twice while we were there for his birthday present from Amanda and Brian. Max wasn't a fan of the dark slides, Mya loved them, and Ivy did every slide she possibly could have and loved every minute. They got tons of quality cousin time too! Mya and Olivia were inseparable as usual. Thank goodness for Grace's only 18 months younger than the other two girls, normally you would expect lots of hurt feelings, fights, etc. but she is pretty comfortable in her own skin and loves to entertain so she doesn't seem to mind too terribly that Mya and Olivia are attached at the hip!

This was another one of those vacations that was mostly all about the kids, but it helped a ton having my parents there. My mom took over Grady duties while at the water park and also got the kiddos snacks, towels, etc. Grandpa Rog was in the water with the kiddos the whole time (except for when he was going down the black hole:) All in all, besides losing Max once and Grace twice, and Tara/Tony not being there, it was a great little getaway. I would highly recommend it!

1 comment:

  1. Great job mom teaching your brats how to walk around topless. No shame showing them how to be cheap strippers
