
Friday, November 15, 2013

Sisterly Love

Olivia and Grace are fantastic big sisters!  I just love how they treat Grady and care about him so much already...

Grace:  Grace is my perpetual narrator...when they came to see Grady after he was born, Brian met them in the waiting room with a short video of Grady getting cleaned up and measured by the nurses.  She probably watched this at least 50 times in a row (thankfully it's short) and 100 times since then!  Throughout came the comments:  He's naked...he has poop on his butt, he has boy parts, he's sad...he wants his mommy, what's that thing on his belly (belly button clamp), he's so little, he's so cute....  I know I'm missing so many others - tell me what else you remember so I can get it on record!  Needless to say, her comments were both cute and funny.  She was very excited about holding Grady immediately, but now, she mostly likes to come up and cuddle his head and touch him.  She comes running any time she hears him cry and talks to him in a "mommy voice" to sooth him which bring tears to my eyes.  Grace wasn't perturbed by my being in the hospital at all; lately, she's very interested in nursing, likes to talk about nipples (ha!), and is intrigued by the breast pump - she also likes to make comparisons to what Grady's doing and what she, Olivia, Mom, Dad, and anyone else she can think of did when they were babies.  Grace is very conscientious about giving Grady kisses before she goes anywhere and at nap/bed time.  She's looking forward to "helping" give him a bath this weekend.

Olivia:  Unlike Grace, Olivia was very quiet at the hospital - my perpetual observer.  She was so excited for Grady to arrive.  One night she asked me if the baby would come tonight, and I told her to "cross her fingers."  I didn't know I'd never said this to her, but after some explanation she caught on to the phrase!  At the hospital, Olivia, surprisingly didn't want to hold Grady for nearly as long as I expected.  She, unlike her sis, was a little more surprised and concerned about me and wanted to know about my clothes, my IV, my slippers, my bed, etc.  However, opening her gift from Grady helped distract her from these things temporarily.  But, when they came to see me Friday and Saturday, Olivia had a hard time leaving; she got really cuddly to me and shed a few tears - Olivia was probably the most happy when I came home from the hospital.  Since then, Olivia's been a little mommy - just like we were all expecting.  She sat with Grady for an entire hour one day and frequently holds him...she's one I don't hesitate to leave the room with because she won't move an inch unless Grady starts fussing.  She checks on Grady constantly and is super helpful giving me reports on what he's doing if I'm in a different room and getting me whatever it is I'm requesting. Olivia's interested in the whole eating process too, but she doesn't ask nearly the amount of questions (repetitive ones!) as Grace.  She too is excited about giving Grady a bath this weekend.

I can't wait to watch the sibling bond grow between these three.  I've been so pleased at the lack of jealousy I've seen, and while this may not always be the case, I'm impressed with their loving-ness and maturity thus far.  Olivia and Grace certainly qualify as excellent big sisters, I'm pretty confident that they're going to be major recipients of Grady's first smiles and laughs. 


  1. awesome post.. all of them. Thank you for doing them :) Love you guys!
