
Saturday, July 7, 2012

DuNord Nature Shots

For the first time, our family attended the auction at Camp this year.  It turned out to be a really fun experience that raised $1500 for Camp - pretty cool considering all the items are donated by Camp families.  At one point, an $100 was raised in order to make all the councilors jump into the lake - good times for a good cause.  While there, I got the idea to take even more than usual nature pictures with the hope of catching some especially great shots that I could frame and donate for next year's auction.  It was a fun little venture for me too since I enjoyed walking around and looking for good images.  The weather proved to be a bit of a challenge as many days were a touch cloudy, but here's a preview of some of my favorites.  (PS - The coloring of these on the blog is just a touch darker than the actual pictures, but at least you can get the general idea.)


  1. Postcard quality pictures....great job, Amanda! Love the one of the ferns.

  2. Amanda, where is tree root of the fallen tree???
