
Monday, August 15, 2011

The Motorcade

Decorah, a small town of 8,000, made the news today! President Obama spoke at a local business - Seed Savers to a crowd of 500 people. I wish I could have been lucky enough to be one of the 500!

However, even though we weren't part of the audience, we were not disappointed as we got a close up of the motorcade as it drove by our house taking the president from Seed Savers (located north of town) to the Hotel Winneshiek. The road was completely blocked off for a half hour before it came through, and as we waited for the official motorcade numerous Secret Service vehicles drove by - the agents wore suits or shirts with bullet-proof vests (at least I think that's what I was seeing). They all had black sunglasses too - just like the movies! :) Just kidding - well, they did have sunglasses on, but maybe that was because it was actually quite sunny out!

If you look closely at the first bus (left side) you can see President Obama's arms - he was standing up looking/waving out the windows. Want to know what he was looking at - scroll down to see the sign the neighbor's made!

And a few pictures of the girls and their neighborhood friends. Clearly they were focused on "better" things like playing babies and eating freezies. :)

I went walking downtown with my friend Jamie later on...Snipers on the roof and Secret Service in front of the Hotel Winn. Gigantic construction vehicles blocked all the cross streets downtown and cement road blocks blocked main street. As my step-dad said, Decorah might be the safest town in the country tonight!


  1. Thank you so much for giving a wonderfully descriptive update on the President's visit and ride past your house. I'm jealous! Wish I could have been there.
    Linda Hoden

  2. I wish I could have been there too! What a fun event to experience. Something people will be talking about for years!
