
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

More Fun with Friends and Family

Two weekends ago, my friend Lindsay, her husband Daniel, and their son Grant came down for a visit. It was wonderful to spend the weekend catching up - it had been way too long. The little kiddos played well and slept...well, okay. Regardless, the weekend left me wishing the Cities were a little closer so that we could visit more often!

Saturday we had lots of playtime and enjoyed the outside air (hard to imagine as today, as I'm writing this, my students are impatiently waiting our early dismal as we have 3 inches of snow on the ground and supposedly another 5 coming). I'll post a couple of pictures of the kiddos at the Luther tennis meet when I get them from Lindsay. Saturday evening we had more friends over for lots of fun, conversation, and perhaps, just perhaps, a few beverages. Sunday we enjoyed a delicious brunch together at Peace Dining before everyone headed home with long naps for everyone.

Gracie and Grant enjoying some fun in the tub.

Awwww, Gracie loved giving Grant kisses all weekend.

Elliot and Olivia cuddled up for some Dora.

Another awwww...They're spooning.

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