
Friday, July 2, 2010

Grace Elizabeth - 5 months

I can't believe how fast the time is flying - in just one more short month, Gracie will be 1/2 a year old! Month number five passed by so quickly! Here's a few new things about Grace....

1. Has reverted back to getting up twice a night - bummer
2. Has popped one of her bottom teeth and has another very close (possibly this explains #1)
3. Absolutely adores her big sister Olivia
4. Chews on anything and everything
5. Has found her toes (very cute) and likes to suck on them
6. Giggles the second you walk into the bathroom for bathtime
7. Loves getting naked (including diaper changes)
8. Is slowly going bald :(
9. Can push herself up onto her knees (with head still on the ground)
10. Smiles and coos non-stop during nightly diaper-changes
11. Is batting toys closer to her while on her tummy
12. Enjoys playing patty-cake
13. Has great good hand to mouth coordination, but still isn't great at holding on to toys for long periods
14. Likes to be pulled up from on her back into a standing position
15. Loves to suck on her two middle fingers - making the "I love you" sign

1 comment:

  1. Oh...this makes me miss her! We need to get together soon!
