
Thursday, January 14, 2016

Last Minute Recap

So I was going to get right to my Christmas post, but as I was looking through my photos on the computer, I decided I wanted to do a little more recap of the random summer / fall happenings of the Huinker household:  So, here's a bunch of pictures that give a little insight into it all!

PS - Based on the number of pictures included here, I bet you can imagine what one of my New Year's Resolutions is!

Poor Gracie - Never did a pre-school graduation post for her!  Needless to say, she was pretty proud of herself!  She's a huge fan of kindergarten too!

While the girls were at other activities, Grady and I had a little outing to visit the animals at the Winneshiek County Fair.  He liked the animals, but he loved his malt more!

Olivia earned the ability to go of the boards alone this year!  Grace, not to be left behind, quickly completed the ugliest swim across the pool you've ever seen (twice!) in order to be granted the same freedom!  They were pretty proud of themselves to say the least!

All the kids like visiting Dunning Springs and playing in the icy water.

One of our main summer highlights was spending time with the Browns (back from Japan) and the Hodens (back from Canada).  This picture is from Quinn's 1st birthday bash - which included a pony to ride!  It's nearly a complete family photo but is missing Tony as he was already back in Japan.  Our next family picture will have Tony and a new baby in it!

Lemonade stand with the Hoden kids.  They made enough to treat themselves and me to Whippy Dip!

Quinn and Grady watching Olivia and Grace at tennis.

Hanging out at the Kruse family farm.

Brian and I took Max and Mya to Niagra Cave for their birthdays - the kids had fun (and so did Grady despite his total scream in this picture).

 Just being silly and pushing Grady in the doll stroller - it's a good thing he had on a helmet because they were going fast, and I couldn't believe that stroller didn't break!

 Summer included lots of trips to the park - Grady decided it was time to be big and tackled both the tire swing and big-boy swings.

Late summer we took a trip to Northfield and the Minnesota Zoo.  The kids loved it and were troopers despite the very hot and humid weather.  It certainly helped that we hit up the splash pad before heading home.  We definitely need to repeat this trip again (x2) next summer!

 Not spring showers...fall showers and puddle jumping!

Grady and I took a couple trips up to the La Crosse Children's Museum this fall.  The girls came along on the second trip and had a fun time too.

Halloween!  This year we had a "Bat Fairy," a pumpkin (as someone refused to put on his costume), and "Bat Woman."  Grady figured out how to get candy pretty quickly, and the girls dominated the entire the neighborhood for the first time.  We had to break into two groups because they were moving so fast!

 The Campground:  This was Grady's and my favorite place this fall.  I would run him in the stroller to the park where we'd play for a bit before heading to the stream to throw sticks.  We made these trips weekly even into early December because the weather was so nice.  Our last trip there ended up with a ride home from Grandpa because Grady decided to take a dip...good thing I was watching closely, but I still can't believe it happened at all!

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