
Monday, August 24, 2015

A Day of Firsts...

Today was a day of firsts for four of us in the family...

1) Olivia's first day of 2nd Grade!!!  Highlights:  Being old enough to be the designated "bus buddy" of her sister and their great friend from down the street, Maggie; getting two new people in the class (14 total - 7 boys, 7 girls); chicken tacos at lunch; and, her 2nd grade binder and planner!

2) Grace's first day of Kindergarten!!!  Highlights:  Riding the bus; wearing a uniform; and, I quote, "My favorite part of the day was all of it!"

3) Grady's first day with me as an official stay-at-home-mom.  Highlights:  Wrestling in the basement; watching the neighbors new driveway get done; eating way too many snacks; taking a three-hour nap; and, welcoming his sisters home!

This was his reaction when he realized he didn't get to go on the bus.

4) My first day (sort of) as a stay-at-home-mom.  Highlights:  The most relaxed school morning we've ever had; going to Walmart and having the place basically to ourselves; playing a lot with Grady one-on-one; having my house stay clean for more than 15 minutes; making dinner in advance; watching the kids run to each other as they got off the bus; and, sitting and typing this entry without worrying about tomorrow.

A few more pictures of the girls and their best buds Maggie (in kindergarten with Grace) and Elsey (Maggie's younger sister).

I don't have a picture of the entire neighborhood crew, but I think there were 12 kids getting on the bus this morning, and it would have been more if they let kids older than 6th grade ride the bus too.  We live in such a great neighborhood for kids!

Grace (mid-step) followed by Maggie (red sweater), and Olivia (pink folder because she chose to leave her backpack at school on "back to school night").


The girls (which includes Maggie) running to greet Grady when they got, so, so incredibly sweet.


  1. I have tears in my eyes! Such a great post. Thanks for sharing

  2. I love everything about that post, but I think my favorite is you writing the blog not worrying about tomorrow. It really is the best!

  3. Congrats on all the "firsts!" Enjoy your time at home! It is such a blessing.

  4. always the youngest first then again last she is the tightest so I want hercu-t twice, teach her to suck too
