
Saturday, July 5, 2014

The Last Day of School!

Each of the kids had fun end-of-the year celebrations.  It was so fun watching them - seeing how they've grown, how they're similar, and how they're different is always fascinating to me.  I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to conferences next year for Grace (they don't do them for the 3-4 year preschool program); I can't wait to hear what the teachers have to say about what is similar and different between the two from their perspective.  On that note, however, I also constantly remind myself, that just because Olivia and Grace are sisters doesn't mean I should be over-comparing or expecting one to do what the other does - because, as we all know, Grace definitely her own personality and will want to make her own mark! 

Last day of school silly pic...Grace had NO interest in smiling nicely!

Kindergarten Graduation!  Seriously, I have a 1st grader - WHAT!  Throughout the year, Brian and I felt increasingly sure that we made the right decision deciding to send Olivia to kindergarten.  I was so pleased with her spring conferences.  While Olivia's right on tract academically - especially since reading seemed to click toward the end of the year - and that's important to me, what made me so proud of Olivia was what her teacher said about her socially...always kind, helpful, cooperative, and sweet.  She said she can always count on Olivia to help any one of her classmates (boys and girls) once she herself is done with a project, and that Olivia works well with everyone.  She said Olivia has lots of friends and is a big hit with the older kiddos she gets to spend time with during certain activities, mass, lunch, and recess.  I'd witnessed this before so wasn't totally surprised at the comment, but if you'd told me that was going to be the case at the beginning of the year, I would have laughed.  So glad to see Olivia shining and sharing her sweet, silly, and sassy personality, and to know this is happening because her confidence is growing.  Yea!  While I admit to stressing about the reading stuff, I know that'll come in due time, and her reading test scores showed great growth.  We've been working on our reading rather sporadically this summer, but I'm happy to go at Olivia's pace and not push it too much too because that's a sure turn-off for her...too much pressure generally equals un-enthusiam (I don't think that's a word, but you get my meaning).  Olivia's academic strength as of right now is math!  I must credit Brian for this!  Olivia's teacher also talked about Olivia's increasing willingness and confidence with sharing in class which was great to hear as well.  Overall, I think it's safe to say that Olivia had a fantastic year filled with an excellent teacher and lots of great friends!


This picture is of Olivia waiting to say her lines of the ABC poem.  They followed this up with a few songs and a great slideshow during which they each read telling about their favorite parts of school and kindergarten.  Later, we got to have punch and cookies is next year's 1st grade classroom!

Olivia and her teacher, Ms. Kuennen - love this picture.

On to preschool!  Grace gets to say this for one more year as next year's she'll enter the 4-5 year old preschool program at St. Ben's.  So, she'll continue with her wonderful teachers, Mrs. Bohr and Mrs. Kane - unfortunately I don't have a picture of Grace with her teachers, but my friend does, and this is a good reminder for me to get it from her!  I loved watching Grace's preschool program (which was coupled with preschool graduation - hence the kids in caps and gowns you see in the pictures).  It was so fun watching the kiddos parade through the gym - oh my, did Grace have quite the confident little strut up to the front!  I did mention her personality before, right?  The songs were cute as usual, and Grace was super excited to show us her preschool scrapbook filled with pictures and other memorabilia.  I'm assuming - since we didn't get any notes or emails home saying otherwise - that Grace did what she needed to do in preschool.   She's great at writing her name, still can't remember to say 13 or 15 when she counts to 20, needs to work on her shape recognition thought she's got the basics, and has amazing coloring and drawing skills!  My impression is that Grace has lots of friends and plays with a number of kids - I also have a feeling that she's a bit of a ringleader, and as long as she doesn't get too bossy, I'm good with that (and not surprised by it).  Her best pal is, without a doubt, Maggie Gavle.  Next year Grace will go to school Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays all day - I think she's ready and excited for it!

 Walking in with her classmates

 Smiling at Grady and making him laugh

Having a blast singing songs!

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