
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Mother's Day

I had a really nice Mother's Day!  I love that the girls totally understand when it's a "special day" and have some extra incentive to show some love, make me all sorts of crafts, and be on good behavior!  :)

The day started out with a 8.85 mile run with my friend Jamie (we're training for a 1/2 marathon on May 31st).  Whew!  Actually, let me back track...the day started out at 5:00 when Grady wet through his jammies and decided he's like some quality one-on-one time with me!  Anyways, after running, we got ourselves ready for brunch at Oneota.  We finished in time to be the first customers at Slumberland where we bought a couch and table/chair set for our now completed (well, almost - just missing trim) sun porch.  It's already been delivered, and I'm super happy with it!  Everyone took naps in the afternoon which was AWESOME, and then we spent the evening relaxing and getting outside a bit.  Overall, a truly perfect day!

Simply put:  I love my family.

 Olivia, Maggie Gavle, Grace, and Elsey Gavle at Oneota

 Grandma and Grandpa Huinker + Huinker grandkids + Maggie

Grace and best buddy Maggie

1 comment:

  1. What a nice day! Beautiful pics, as always:) Happy belated Mother's Day to you, Amanda!
