
Friday, September 20, 2013

33 Weeks

I can hardly believe that today I'm officially 33 weeks pregnant - crazy!  For Brian, I'm also going to say that I have 7 weeks to go.  The other weekend when I told someone how many weeks I was, he told me I shouldn't do that because it was too confusing.  :) 


I had an appointment this last Monday, and all is looking just as it should.  I'm measuring on track and have put on a fine amount of weight - more than at this point with Grace but less than with Olivia...that doesn't really mean much overall because Grace ended up being bigger than Liv by nearly a pound and a half.  My blood pressure continues to be very low which is good, and I haven't had any issues with swelling at all even with some of the warm weather.  Baby's heartbeat was 140, and Dr. Menke is 99% sure he'll stay head down as I'm carrying very low into my pelvis already.  Maybe that explains the Braxton Hicks contractions that make rather regular appearances!  Otherwise, I've got a very active little one who likes to prevent me from going to sleep at night with some rather forceful acrobatics; he likes to keep me one my toes at my desk at work with these, and, occasionally, he likes to wake me up at night too.  Overall, I feel pretty well.  I can tell I'm slowing down a bit, but I enjoy being pregnant, and nothing about this pregnancy so far has changed that.

School has been going well.  My students have gotten to see my tummy jump with his hiccups and a few were shocked to actually see my stomach "roll" as a leg/foot stretched itself out.  I had to chuckle when a flabbergasted senior boy said to me, "It moves!?! But it's barely alive!"  I'm definitely tired out at the end of the day, and I'm concerned about getting enough sleep as more and more grading comes in as I get farther into my writing class, but I'm managing okay so far, so hopefully that will continue.

The girls continue to be very excited about the baby.  We regularly get asked when the baby will be born, and if it's getting really close.   Olivia's excited because she seems to understand that it's almost October and that Halloween is in October which means the baby will arrive soon.  I didn't tell her that Halloween was at the end of October.  I love the way Olivia cuddles and hugs my belly, and Grace has taken great joy in "scolding" the baby for kicking her while we read books at night!  :)


  1. Love the pictures! You look so pretty in that color!

  2. Wow! Getting so close:) You look great! Everyone's reactions are so funny - the senior?! Ha! I remember that too - Collin kicking us as we read at night:) Take it easy if you can, he'll be here before you know it!

  3. Great pictures! My name is Heather and I was wondering if you would answer a quick question about your blog! My email is Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail(dot)com
