
Monday, December 10, 2012

Winter Parade

Every winter local businesses in town put on a winter parade.  This is the second year we've attended, and the girls had a great time.  We had a nice spot to sit which was also a prime candy collection site for the girls.  Favorites of the night were the two floats pulled by horses (one of which held Santa - Grace waved, Liv smiled shyly from behind my leg).  They were both intrigued by the "Rudolf the Red-nosed Reindeer float - very impressive actually - because they recognized the characters from the movie.  Brian and the girls watched it last week while I was at yoga - they LOVED it, and so did Brian because they cuddled with him the entire time, especially when the abominable snowman made an appearance.  Anyways, the girls had a blast...must have because neither realized how cold they had gotten until it was time to walk back to the car.  Grace insisted on being carried, and Olivia's poor feet were so cold she was walking funny.  We had to take shoes off in the car and give them a quick foot rub to get the blood moving again.  Needless to say, they recovered once they had a treat in hand!

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