
Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Weeks around here have been awfully busy these days. Speech practices have been nuts at school as I worked with students to get ready for district speech last weekend, and tennis (plus his regular job) is going full swing for Brian. Despite the busy days, our weekends have been nice. Here's an update on what the last couple of weekends have entailed (although unfortunately I don't have any pictures of my mom, Thyme, and the mom and Thyme watched them while I was at speech last Saturday and Brain was in Indiana for tennis).

#1 - Potty Training: do I describe how this is going. Well, after holding her potty for nearly 3 hours in the morning, Grace had an accident. About one hour later, when I ran downstairs, I heard Grace saying "poopy." Yikes! I ran back upstairs as fast as I could only to discover that Grace had gone on the potty - no accident! "Wow!" I thought, "I have a miracle child who potty-trained herself!" Well, three accidents later, I realized I wasn't quite so lucky as I thought. :) Anyways, Grace, I've decided, will potty-train when she wants to - that's just her personality. We've been doing a lot of "no-diaper times" in the evenings and have had no accidents and 3 volunteer potties - not bad, I guess. We'll keep working on it. (And a random fact - Grace weights 25 pounds (25 percentile) and is in the 25 percentile for height too, but I can't remember how tall that is right now.)

#2 - Drawing: Liv is so into drawing these days. Lately I've been trying to get her to draw objects. While she's mostly into experimenting with various letters and is fairly obsessed with her name, I finally got her to draw a picture of our family. Pretty cute. (BTW - She also counted to 40 for me tonight - so cool to hear!)

#3 - Playing outside: We've been cooped up in our house for too long! I'm so ready for spring, and so are the girls! We've been doing our best to get outside for periods of time in the weekends, and I hope we'll be able to do the same after school hours fairly soon. (And, deep down, I know I should be thankful since in other winters we've still had a foot of snow on the ground at this time!)

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