
Thursday, July 15, 2010

Favorite Things...

To add to Olivia's two-year old post, here's a list of some of my favorite things (or things I think are most funny, odd, etc...) about her right now...

* Loves singing "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and "Wheels on the Bus" with hand motions
* Has no fear of water what-so-ever
* Asks for Gracie upon waking
* Is a great cuddler - especially in the mornings
* Is speaking in short sentences
* Loves to be naked (see below)

* Says she's "cold" when she wants to be wrapped up in her blanket
* Randomly kisses me on the cheek and lips
* Understands sharing - although isn't always good at it
* Shares her silkie to comfort others
* Knows she makes Gracie happy and entertains her just because she likes to
* Is learning (sort of) her colors because of her love for "freezie-pops"
* Snags my freezie so she can finish the juice from both hers and mine
* Always identifies everything as pink when asked
* Counts sporadically - one, two, one & eight, nine, ten
* Asks to sing "abacee" aka the ABCs frequently
* Is Little Miss Helpful
* Enjoys cleaning with mommy
* Loves watering the plants and has her own watering can

* Can finally have a ponytail - although it's rather pathetic
* Is potty-trained (with exceptions of course)
* Congratulates herself after going potty with "Good job Biva!"
* Has gotten over her fear of bugs and now squishes ants with her fingers
* Has slowly, but surely, become a social butterfly
* Sometimes tells me that "mommy pretty"
* Loves the word "silly"
* Is an excellent dancer and enjoys music
* Can finally say her name - "Biva Huinker" - but when asked what her name is sometimes responds "Two" and/or "Happy Birthday" (clearly we worked on those two responses a lot!)

* Plays with her babies non-stop
* Is starting to play make-believe (mostly involving her babies)
* Likes to do everything "self"
* Spontaneously says she needs a time-out even though she's only gotten three of these from me (apparently they made an impact)
* Has a renewed love for books and will read by herself at times
* Loves swinging but wants me to carry her across the sand to the swings at the park so she doesn't get sand in her shoes
* Has made great strides in the running, climbing, jumping, etc... department
* Loves washing her hands and wants to do this constantly when playing with chalk
* Says "nite-nite mommy" and "love you" every night as I'm leaving the room

I'm sure I will think of more things to add to this list the moment I officially post it, but I think it's a good start at recording all that's happening at this point in Olivia's life!


  1. She is so cute Amanda- both are adorable. I can't believe how much Olivia looks like Brian. What a sweet little girl, I hope my boys can meet your girls sometime soon to play. - Heidi

  2. love her to sit on my face like thatnaked she has a beautifulpussy
