
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Mother's Day

I had a really nice Mother's Day!  I love that the girls totally understand when it's a "special day" and have some extra incentive to show some love, make me all sorts of crafts, and be on good behavior!  :)

The day started out with a 8.85 mile run with my friend Jamie (we're training for a 1/2 marathon on May 31st).  Whew!  Actually, let me back track...the day started out at 5:00 when Grady wet through his jammies and decided he's like some quality one-on-one time with me!  Anyways, after running, we got ourselves ready for brunch at Oneota.  We finished in time to be the first customers at Slumberland where we bought a couch and table/chair set for our now completed (well, almost - just missing trim) sun porch.  It's already been delivered, and I'm super happy with it!  Everyone took naps in the afternoon which was AWESOME, and then we spent the evening relaxing and getting outside a bit.  Overall, a truly perfect day!

Simply put:  I love my family.

 Olivia, Maggie Gavle, Grace, and Elsey Gavle at Oneota

 Grandma and Grandpa Huinker + Huinker grandkids + Maggie

Grace and best buddy Maggie

Monday, May 12, 2014

Grady - 6 Months!


I absolutely cannot believe that May 7 marked Grady's half-birthday.  How has that much time flown by?  Do I even remember life without this wonderful little boy?  I feel so very blessed to have such a happy little baby - while we may have our challenges on occasion, for the most part, Grady is an easy kiddo who's quick to smile, easy to comfort, and growing up too fast for my liking!

Here's a quick run-down on what month 6 brought in the life of Grady:

* Has mastered the art of rolling!  It's a rare occurrence to find Grady where I originally put him down.  He's got the hang of using multiple rolls to get to what he wants going both tummy to back and back to tummy.  He's also pretty decent at turning himself in circles.

* Isn't sitting yet.  We've been working on it, but it's not my favorite thing to work on as it often results in spit up.  I'm trying to do a little sitting every day though, and Grady's definitely getting the hang of it.  However, if he sits unsupported, he pretty much falls forward until his belly is on top of his legs - then, eventually he tips over.  Thankfully he doesn't seem to mind this!  Grady would much prefer standing than sitting - he's got some strong and sturdy legs!

* Along the same lines, is a big fan of butt lifts...don't know what else to call them.  He plants his feet on the ground and pushes lifting his butt and trunk off the ground.  He does this a lot - not sure what he thinks he's accomplishing though!

* Has started babbling even more.  I was right in my 5.5 month entry that Grady did start saying "da-da." So sweet!

* Continues to enjoy food and lets you know if you're too slow getting it to him!  We're doing breakfast and dinner (maybe I said that in the last entry?).  Grady usually does a fruit and cereal or a vegetable in the morning and two vegetables at night.

Trying out ice-cream!  He initiated this and LOVED it!

* Has become a terrific napper!  Yea!  While not always perfect - Grady's napping for a minimum of 1.5 hours at each nap time (typically) with one nap often being 2.5 hours.  He also still takes a short late afternoon snooze and then heads to bed around 7:00.

* Has made some improvements with night-time waking.  I feel like we're all over the board in this regard.  I have started to let Grady sleep on his tummy as he's so good at rolling.  This seems to have helped, but it certainly hasn't been a total solution.  We're getting many nights of just 2 wake-ups, but, there are just as many of 3 wake-ups.  I'm trying to be positive (although I admit to feeling frustration, too) because Grady made such progress from a few months ago in regards to napping, so hopefully he will do the same with nights.

* Unfortunately has been struggling with some constipation (too much information???).  Poor kiddo.  If he'll take it, a mixture of apple juice and water definitely helps with this, but getting Grady to take a few ounces of this can be challenging or really easy...depends on his mood.

* Completely rejected a bottle of formula.  I thought I'd try a bottle just to see what would happen...I thought that maybe we could do one of these at night if he'd take it.  Maybe not...the little guy was majorly mad at me for attempting to give him such "nasty" stuff!  I plan on starting to cut back nursing when school starts in August.  I have a decent amount of frozen milk, but I imagine we'll have to do mixes of this and formula to get Grady adjusted when the time comes.

Gnawing on a "veggie" straw.  Again, self-initiated.

* Is a bit of a Grady's 6-month check he weighed in at 15 pounds 11 ounces (17%), was 26 3/8 inches long (49%), and had a head circumference of 17 inches (29%).

* Loves people - especially his family!  Grady is so quick to smile and be comforted by all of us.  Just seeing the girls can make him smile or settle down if he's squawking a bit.  So sweet.  Grady loves watching the girls play outside; he especially likes doing this while hanging out in the Baby Bjorn - his hands and feet just get going crazy showing his excitement.

* Enjoys bath time, his play gym, being outside, his paci (only at nap/bed time though - otherwise, he's not interested), being tossed up in the air or pretend dropped, getting tickled along his ribs and upper thighs, blowing spit bubbles, attacking my face and chin (I'm assuming this is a sign of affection?), pulling hair, and spitting up on whomever is holding him!  :)

Whew - if 6 months has brought so many joys, changes, and, yes, challenges - what will the next 6 months bring.  I can't wait to find out!

PS - Today we got formal pictures taken of Grady and the girls...looking forward to seeing, posting, and sending them!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Easter 2014

We had a really nice Easter weekend a couple of weeks ago. 

Friday, before the Hodens arrived, the girls and I colored Easter eggs while Grady took a long (thankfully) nap.  They were pretty proud of their colorful, if only I could actually get them to try a hard boiled egg!


As usual, once the Hodens arrived, the kids became joined at the hip.  The girls got to have a sleepover with their cousins up at Grandma and Grandpa's on Friday.  Saturday, we had an Easter egg hunt which was a huge hit with the fun to see them racing around the yard, sharing treats, and re-hiding eggs for each other to find.  Even though it wasn't truly that warm, the kids (and the adults) spent pretty much the entire day outside soaking up the sun - a good thing, too, as Easter Sunday it rained, rained, and rained some more!

Here's a collage Beth put together of all the kids from playtime / egg hunting on Saturday:

Sunday morning the girls were up early to find their (and Grady's) Easter baskets.  They found Grady's first because it was so "easy" - just behind the couch.  Grace found her's next hiding behind a door downstairs, and Liv was last, finding hers hiding deep under the stair closet behind some folding chairs.  Pretty positive they LOVED their baskets - and, their favorite "treat" was the Disney movie Frozen!  Yes, we all can now sing and quote multiple lines of this movie! 

We had a relatively successful church experience despite the fact that it was really hot and stuffy.  Father Phil gave a really nice sermon that I actually got to listen too!  Afterwards we drove around a bit so Grady could fall asleep before meeting with Brian's family and the Kruses for breakfast at Hotel Winneshiek.  Grady slept the whole time, so I really did enjoy brunch! 

During a brief rain break in the afternoon, I got a chance to take a few pictures of the kiddos!  Enjoy!