
Monday, February 25, 2013


So many small little comments/occurrences have happened lately at our house that I wanted to take a chance to record them...I need to do this more regularly, because suddenly, as I'm in the "hot-seat" of typing this out, I can barely remember any of them!

This morning...
Olivia - When I grow up, I'm going to be a doctor.
Brian - Why?
Olivia - So I can help people.
Me - Ah, that's really nice; it's always nice to help people.
Olivia - ....
Me - Do you help your friends at school sometimes?
Olivia - No!  They have to pick up their own toys!

Olivia's ridiculous obsession with stripped socks.  While I'm super glad she's out of the "I wear summer clothes in wintertime clothing trend" and the "I cry about socks every morning" issue, this obsession is going to drive me batty as we only have 4 pairs of stripped socks and Olivia thinks I need to wash them constantly for a quick turn-around!  But, hey, there could be worse obsessions, and it's kind of cute to watch her digging through the dryer in the mornings and celebrating when she finally finds "the socks."

Grace's new favorite word...
Grace - I want to wear these tights.
Me - I don't think those tights fit you any more.
Grace - Yes, they actually do fit me.
Me (with heavy sarcasm) -Well, okay, you try them.
Grace (after putting tights on by herself) - See, Mommy, I actually did it!

The girls sleeping together...I can't handle how cute it it.  Little cuddle bugs.

We finally had Grace's three-year check at the doctor's.  She weighed in at 29 pounds (28%) and was 3 feet 1 inch tall (41%).  She was quite conversational with the doctor and was thrilled to get stickers AND a tattoo for being so good.  Olivia hopped on the scale too - 36 pounds (37%).

Olivia's writing done at home...

First Grade
Second Grade
Olivia (down the side)

Olivia's writing done at school...

Translation (if you make the d's into b's):

A special note for daddy...One of Olivia's favorite outfits is her red ballet skirt/pants and a shirt that says "My 'heart' belongs to my daddy."  She was wearing this last night and, looking down at her shirt (hence the backwardsness), wrote this note for Brian.  So sweet.

Our girls...I just love them.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day to all those who make our lives so great and whom we love so much!

This was my best "quick-before-leaving" picture of the girls; all Grace wanted to do was eat her breakfast, so you can see she wasn't being super cooperative!  Liv didn't get snapped at the right moment in the above picture, but I did get a few cute individual ones of her...Grace, was eating your breakfast at.this.very.moment really that essential?  The girls were both fired up to wear their Valentine's skirts today (thank you Beth for the fabulous Christmas gift) and to bring their Valentine's to school/daycare, and I'm sure they'll be eager to indulge in some of the treats!

Thank you to those who sent us gifts and cards - the girls are super excited to open them when we come home from school/daycare today!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Snow Day Fun

Last week was definitely one of the weirder ones when it comes to weather.  Last Sunday morning, we had just enough sleet/ice to make the roads truly horrible; it continued through the first half of the day, and since, the temperatures were a lot slower to raise than they said, we ended up having an "ice" day on Monday.  It was nice to stay home with the girls; a lot of the time I send them to daycare on snow days so I can get either school work or house work done, but since I actually didn't have too much of either to do, we spent the day playing. 


Overnight it warmed up, so Tuesday proceeded as normal, but by 7th hour, the kids were bouncing out of their seats because we were under a winter storm warning.  Sure enough, with blizzard-like conditions starting early in the morning, we had another snow day!  I was actually thankful for this - even though now we have two days to make up at the end of the year - because Grace had come down with the flu late Tuesday night - what a great way to end your birthday, huh?  At first I thought she'd maybe just over-eaten, but at about 2am changing sheets for the second time, I remembered that she hadn't even touched her cake and realized that definitely wasn't the case.  And, as she's continued to have some tummy issues this week, she's obviously got a bug of some kind - poor girl. 

Gotta love the sunglasses...
remember my last entry about Grace having personality?

Friday, February 1, 2013

Happy 3rd Birthday Miss Grace!

My dear Gracie,

Yesterday, your Auntie Tara came over to watch you, so I could make a trip out to Walmart to birthday shop (talk about last minute) and buy party supplies.  When I came home, I showed you the cupcakes I had bought for you to take to daycare - you were so excited and kept on asking, "Is it my birthday now?" "Can I have one now?"  You wouldn't stop - see personality #2 described below!  Finally I told you that it'd be your birthday when you woke up in the morning.  A few minutes later, you announced that you were tired and were going to even went upstairs - it was about 6:00, by the way.  We just let you go knowing you'd be back, and we were right!  You lasted for a couple of minutes before you came back down, asking, "Is it morning yet?"  "Is it my birthday NOW?"  Pretty cute - especially if I could mimic your sweet, little voice.  We gave in and let you and Liv share a cupcake.  :)

I don't think I've ever seen a little girl more excited for her birthday - I even had to hide your presents!  Good thing I did too because we were already opening gifts about 5 minutes after our friends and Grandma had arrived (Grandpa didn't even get to watch!).  You were very excited about everything, and I was happy that you remembered to say thank you.

Oh, where, oh, where, do I begin....Gracie, simply put, you have, well, let's call it a very well-rounded personality!  Let's explore...

1) The shy Grace:  This side of you doesn't appear all that often, but when you get into new situations or meet new people, you often want to be held, hold onto my leg, and/or bury your face in my neck.  However, while you're doing this, a little conspiratorial smile can often be found on your face as if you think it's funny to pretend to be more shy than you actually are.  Regardless, whatever shyness does exist, it usually doesn't last long before you're showing off, playing, and chatting away like usual.  I have no doubts about you starting pre-school next year - you're going to love it, especially because your best buddy Maggie will be in school with you!  You might be shy for a day or two, but it won't take long before you're as obsessed with Mrs. Kane and Mrs. Bohr as Olivia is!

2) The stubborn Grace:  Just last night I told Grandma Linda, "She just won't stop talking!"  And when I said this, what I meant was, when you want something, you continuously ask for it even when the answer is "no" or whatever you want is just not possible.  If you want a toy - you want it now; if you want some milk - it better be in the next minute; and, if you don't get to watch a show when you want to - I'd better watch out!  Sigh.  While this stubbornness and the whininess is something I often could do without and has been the cause of more than one timeout both at home and at daycare, I can see this trait taking you far in life; you'll be focused on doing what you have to in order to get what you want!  However, if you could just try not to test your mommy's and daddy's patience quite so much, that would be much appreciated.

3) The wild, silly, and sassy Grace:  Who hasn't seen this side of Grace?  You are such a silly goose - even Olivia calls you this.  You have an incredibly expressive face, and not a day goes by that we don't see you doing something that makes us laugh.  You love playing "wrestle" with your daddy and ask for this or "roar" almost every night after dinner.  You think playing hide and seek is awesome and still think you're hiding if you sit where we can see you but cover your face.  You ask us to "scare" you for fun, but when playing somehow actually get scared even when you know it's coming - I only wish I could describe the look of panic that crosses your face.  Sadly, you don't hesitate to hit - real or fake depends on the day - if something doesn't go your way, but happily, you recover from whatever it is that made you mad quickly and are are distracted easily.  One of my least favorite things you say is "No my isn't" when you and Liv have a scuffle about something, but, hey, at least you stand up for yourself!  You laugh about how big your tummy is, sticking it out even further in the process, and - I'm not sure how I feel about this - toot all.the.time!  You jump on your trampoline begging us to watch you constantly, lie down on the floor asking to be tickled, wear dress up clothes constantly, and kick a ball like these things are going out of style.  Your wispy, flying hair suits this part of your personality as does your teasing personality and huge smile (seriously, I don't know anyone else who smiles as big as you - adult or kid)!


4) The independent Grace:  I love how much you can do for yourself, but I also know you like pretending that you don't know how to do as much as you can.  For instance, four months ago you could put on your own socks and shoes; then, you apparently "forgot" how to do both, and now, you've remembered about your shoes but not your socks.  You like to "be furst" at getting dressed, and nothing gets you motivated like a good race...up the stairs, into the tub, into clothes, etc.  (Maybe this fact should go with personality #3 though.)  You'll watch a show or play the ipad by yourself without needing anything and same goes with eating breakfast alone in the morning.  You still like to sleep with your sissy, but don't mind sleeping alone as much as she does - she cries when you leave to go to your room, but you don't.  :)  I can see you itching to become more independent; at the tail end of fall when we had a couple of nice days, we got you on Liv's bike - you went two times around the block without complaining of being tired - a feat she's yet to have accomplished.  Undoubtedly this next summer will see you biking, pumping on the swings, and doing countless other big-girl activities.  Right now though, you're working hard at zipping your coat.

5) The sweet Grace:  This is my most favorite Grace...well, I can't actually say that, but it's right up there!  I love that you're a little more of a cuddler now than you used to be; you squeeze so tight when you're needing some love, and I don't mind that one bit!  You care about other people's feelings and are kind to your friends.  You love your sis so much (although she doesn't love that you've decided to call her Liver as a nickname - and neither do I), and she loves you in return.  You two cuddle on the couch, sleep squished together, defend each other, play almost oddly well together, and even rub each other's backs.  It's so darn cute. 


Could I go on...probably.  There is no doubt in my mind, Miss Grace, that you are a very special little girl who will continue to bring much happiness (and maybe a few other emotions) into our lives.  I love you, sweetie, and can't even remember what our life was like before you joined it.  How fast these last three years have gone - I'm thankful for all the memories we have and look forward to making so many more.

Love you,