
Monday, December 10, 2012

Winter Wonderland


Hooray for snow!  We woke up Sunday morning to a view we haven't seen in awhile...snow!  The girls were chomping at the bit to get outside...and outside we were at 8:30 in the morning.  Grace jumped right in to all the snow business - I don't think she had many memories of snow as last year was pretty pathetic in that department.  In fact, while I was making our new family calendar, I only had 5 pictures of them in the snow last year...all from the same day.  I certainly hope this year isn't a repeat of that - especially after how much fun we had.  Grace and Liv each got their own snowman and experimented with throwing snowballs at each other and Mom and Dad.  Grace, though, was more interested in snow-catch.  :)  They were way more playful than I expected considering past experiences; it was so fun to watch them rolling around in the snow, making snow-angles, and shoveling. 


Brian got the sled down in the garage, and we pulled them around the yard.  After seeing how pumped they were about going down our VERY minor hill on the side of the house, we decided to head over to the dike for a little sledding.  Olivia was all over this - as I watched her I couldn't help but think that last year she watched other kids do all this but was too timid to try; however, our ever-observant Liv was taking it all in and storing up those memories for a day she was feeling ready to try herself.  How great that she's feeling more adventurous!  She went up and down the hill pulling the sled herself and asking for a push so she could get farther each time.  Most trips down she ended up covering her face with her hand to protect it from the flying snow.  Pretty cute.  The year was Grace's turn to observe...the big hill was a bit scary for her, but I expect it won't take long for her to join in!

And...if 2-3 inches of snow was this fun, I can't wait for a true snowstorm!

PS - Thanks to Kelsey for taking all the pictures (she and a friend stayed over at our house after babysitting late into the evening)!

Winter Parade

Every winter local businesses in town put on a winter parade.  This is the second year we've attended, and the girls had a great time.  We had a nice spot to sit which was also a prime candy collection site for the girls.  Favorites of the night were the two floats pulled by horses (one of which held Santa - Grace waved, Liv smiled shyly from behind my leg).  They were both intrigued by the "Rudolf the Red-nosed Reindeer float - very impressive actually - because they recognized the characters from the movie.  Brian and the girls watched it last week while I was at yoga - they LOVED it, and so did Brian because they cuddled with him the entire time, especially when the abominable snowman made an appearance.  Anyways, the girls had a blast...must have because neither realized how cold they had gotten until it was time to walk back to the car.  Grace insisted on being carried, and Olivia's poor feet were so cold she was walking funny.  We had to take shoes off in the car and give them a quick foot rub to get the blood moving again.  Needless to say, they recovered once they had a treat in hand!

Turkey Trot 2012 Recap

Welcome to the annual Huinker Turkey Trot post - created this year by the winner's (Tony's) fiancee (Tara).  This year's trot took place the weekend before Thanksgiving as Tara and Tony were back from California for an extended visit.  It was an excellent weekend filled with lots of family fun.  We had an absolutely amazing day to run this year, and I think this year's trot qualifies as the best ever...even in the midst of our self-tourture, watching the kiddos have a blast was smile-inducing!  On Thanksgiving, we headed up to my parents' house...about 1/2 hour after arriving, we took part in a second Turkey Trot - this one hosted by my sister and including the entire neighborhood.  The Telemark Road hills were undoubtedly a factor as was the wind...I was feeling pretty good until the last 20 feet when I was passed by my brother - seriously...he never runs...not fair!  :) 

Top 10 things to remember

Tony 5:29
CJ 7:18
Pandy 7:23
Tara 8:08
Brian 8:48
Beth 8:53
Max 9:18
Popsicle 10:18

10. First 3 to cross the finish line were NOT the Huinker kids.  Apparently we all married/engaged "up."

9. Max started to cry on the last turn as he got passed by Brian and Beth.  He was bummed because he thought he was going to get last, but he bounced right back when he learned that he beat Grandpa Roger!! (12 times his age)

8. Speaking of Grandpa Roger - this was his 1st trot that he participated in - AND RAN THE WHOLE THING!! way to go "popsicle"!!!

7. Poor Gracie had no idea what to expect since last year she was sleeping in the car.  When Grandpa started the countdown at the beginning of the race, everyone pushed off their runners block while Grace stood there in tears not knowing what to do. She stayed back for awhile with Ivy, but eventually warmed up to the idea!!

6. The besties, Mya and Olivia were inseparable during much of the race.  This meant holding hands for nearly 3 laps.  Tara was able to run behind them for a short while, capturing video - and caught Mya telling Olivia "I feel like I'm going to die" on the 3rd lap. That we all did, Mya. I predict these two will have official times next year and it will most likely be the exact same:)

5. Brian was NOT a happy participant when the tradition was tweaked a bit this year.  Instead of running AFTER lunch, we decided to run BEFORE, due to nap schedules.  By him not throwing up on lap 2, we're hopeful he will consider making this a permanent change. 

4. Tony took off running as fast as he could right out of the gate.  Unfortunately for the rest of the runners, he continued at that pace for the 2nd lap, 3rd lap, and the 4th lap as well - never minding the mental torture he put the others through when he lapped them.  

3. Coming off a pretty strict and impressive 1/2 marathon training program, Chris and Amanda both finished withe respectable times.  Amanda did get beat by Chris - which I'm thinking will be quite the motivator for next year - but my prediction is that Grandpa "Popsicle" will secretly train all year and blow everyone away.

2. Beth and Tara were proud to finish, enjoyed watching the kids, hated getting lapped, and needed a drink ASAP after the race.

1. In summary, no one threw up, all runners had a smile on their face within 5 minutes of finishing, Grandma "Patski" was a proud supporter/photographer/babysitter/nose-wiper, and were are blessed once again with great memories of the Huinker Thanksgiving Turkey Trot.

.....till next year.

 Read, set, go!!!  (Max, Olivia, Grace, Mya)

Thanks to Aunt Tara, all the kiddos had cool bandanas!

 Grace quickly recovered from her shock and went on to run 3 laps!
(FYI - Grace was given Tylenol/Advil the entire day after the race...
Poor girl was actually limping the next morning!) 

 These two "besties" ran 3+ laps holding hands!
So cute it brought tears to my eyes.

 My sister-in-law Tara and her fiancee, Tony.

 Official timer:  Pat Huinker (and Max).

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Growing Up...Miss Livy Ann

Last week, Brian and I headed to Saint Ben's for Olivia's first conferences.  Neither of us really knew what to expect...would we hear about a very shy little girl who holds herself back or would we hear about the silly and sweet girl with growing confidence we see at home?  I'd say, we heard about both - and I am VERY happy about that!

No, she doesn't wear glasses...those are mine.  :)

Mrs. Bohr and Mrs. Kane had lots of positive things to say; Liv's doing great with numbers, colors, shapes, and letters; she is a good listener and follows directions well.  I guess those facts and others like it weren't too surprising to me, but it's always nice to hear them from the teachers.  What I was most happy about hearing was how much growth they've seen in Olivia's overall confidence.  They said she's participating (raising her hand), sharing and using her "big girl" voice instead of whispering (this is a huge deal!), and getting involved in the action.  This is a dramatic difference from last year where she'd sit on the edges of the group during carpet time, listen but not participate, and even stand by the teachers during outside time.  It was so awesome to hear about Olivia running around with her classmates during recess, showing off her monkey-bar skills, and being confident about choosing which "stations" to spend her time at during lessons.  I guess a big favorite of Olivia's is the "kitchen station."  Mrs. Bohr said she spends time here every day; and, while she's not always the leader while playing, they've caught her being exactly that a couple of times much to their pleasant surprise - they hope to see more of this leadership growth as the year continues.  When Olivia gets "caught," she tends to revert back to her shyness (for example - Mrs. Bohr caught her singing her lungs out at a football game while playing with friends, and when she asked Olivia if she'd sing like that at the Christmas concert, all she got was a shy smile), but I'm glad they're seeing more of her true personality come out...although her "true" personality most definitely contains are large dose of shy.

 Laughing outside at grandma's house.

Our Olivia is certainly a please-r, and getting positive reinforcement from the teachers (and anyone else for that matter) is a HUGE deal to her.  I give Mrs. Bohr and Mrs. Kane so much credit for the growth Olivia has made; they are just wonderful!

Impressive castle - I didn't help at all!

On the home front, it's been so fun watching Olivia transform into a little girl.  Grace we can still call a toddler, but not Olivia.  She's such a good helper these days - she helps me pick up all the time, do chores - her favorite is mopping the floor, puts clothes away, and even helps fold the laundry.  She's recently started getting a quarter for helping, and I think that she thinks that's a pretty cool deal - she brought her purple piggy-bank in for show-n-tell on "purple day" at school. 

We're still struggling with the transition into winter clothing; getting dressed (mostly putting on socks) can turn into a huge deal in the mornings, but once she has her whine/cry/scream about this - thank goodness it doesn't usually last too long - she gets over it and moves on.  She's as frustrated by these sensory issues as we are - we've even seen her "hit" her own foot because she can't get her sock to feel right (she's really bothered by the seam).  This morning she was upset about a new pair of pants, but after a few minutes, she was showing me how cool she was because she could do the snap and zipper.  We just try to celebrate the progress she makes with clothing and deep breathe through the fits and really interesting outfits - hey, if she's dressed, some days, that's enough!

More positively, Olivia is an amazing color-er.  She's so good at staying in the lines and has recently really got into more abstract stuff where she just fills the paper up with color and mini-pictures.  She's also taking a liking to gymnastics (Santa might have to bring her something along those lines) and loves going to Luther with Brian - there they play tennis, do line jumps and other agility drills, take ground balls, and do laps around the track.  An athlete in training, I guess!  I don't usual go on these excursions with them because I'll do housework or grading while they're gone, but they must be fun and exhausting as we are ensured a good night of sleep after them!

Olivia and Grace continue to be best pals - they still love to play babies and house and to jump on the trampoline.  They both talk about Max, Mya, and Ivy all the time along with Maggie and Elsey (our neighbors).  Friends from school are Danika, Trevor, Kelby, Carley, and new pal, Stella.  We also hear about how she gives Kelsey (Maher) a huge at school whenever she sees her which I think is pretty cute.  She loves every and any babysitter!  Olivia's such a lover and she doesn't hesitate to say this to people or to give them big hugs and cuddles. 

What a wonderful stage this is turning out to be.  I'm sure I could write more, but enough for now!

Halloween Recap - 2012

I don't know if there were any cuter Mini-Mouses out and about on October 31st!

Picking out Halloween costumes was super fun; I wasn't intending on buying them the day we did, but I couldn't delay doing so after the girls got started.  Olivia was the first one to pick out the Mini-Mouse costume; Grace immediately decided to join her in that.  For a while, Olivia contemplated being a fairy instead - I mean who doesn't want to wear fairy wings, but she eventually decided she's rather be twins with Grace. 

I feel like this Halloween was our first "real" Halloween.  What an amazing difference a year made for both the girls in terms of their overall Halloween "confidence."  Last year, I felt like I did more trick-or-treating than they did!  How awesome it was to stand on the sidewalk like most parents do as their kids run beaming up to doors and say trick-or-treat loud enough for even you to hear!  Olivia's confidence in particular just brought a smile to my face; she really was proud of herself and very pleased to be the one tall enough to ring the doorbell.  :)  Grace, seeing her big-sister's confidence, jumped right into the action too - the only thing that really freaked Grace out was any type of mask - no matter how many times we told Grace the mask wasn't real, she just couldn't seem to relax about them.  Actually, while we were at Walmart picking their costumes out, a boy down the aisle put on a mask.  He wasn't trying to scare Grace, but, boy, did he feel bad when she ran her fastest down the aisle to me pointing behind her with the most anxious expression on her face.  My little tough girl has a weak spot I guess. 

We certainly had some hyper-active little girls that evening as I'm afraid I let them indulge in a few too many candies, but since then, they seem to have forgotten about their treats, so Brian and I have been sneaking them for ourselves!

Trick-or-treating friend Maggie Gavle, Liv, and Grace.

 Family/school friends (Danika, Olivia's classmate is the black cat).

Monday, October 29, 2012

Loving our Cousins

So, it must be obvious by my lack of posts that school has been awfully busy lately.  This week is a crazy one as we have conferences, but thankfully, it's only a four-day week with our comp day being Friday.  I've determined to spend that day being a grading fiend!  Despite the hectic scheduling, I'm determined to get one last October post in and vow to post Halloween pictures by the end of the week!  Can you tell that I'm hoping putting my promises down in writing will help me keep them?  :)

These pictures are a bit old, but they're super cute none-the-less and are some of Olivia's and Grace's favorites to look at...not surprisingly, that's because they contain some of their favorite people - their cousins, Max, Mya, and Ivy!  Thanks Beth for all the great pictures - glad someone was able to capture the happy moments.

 Leaf jumping with Grandpa.

Grace and Max - These two pair up quite a bit when all the cousins are gathered.  Max is such a sweetheart to put up so patiently with all these girls!  I love this picture.

 From the left:  Grace, Max, Mya, and Olivia

From the left again:  Olivia, Mya, Max, and Grace

And the newest addition who started officially walking this very day - Ivy Anne.

Friday, October 12, 2012

A Few Fall Pictures

A couple of weekends ago, I took the girls out in the attempt of snapping a few fall photos...They were relatively cooperative (Liv more so than Grace - obviously there's more pictures of her), and I'm happy enough with the results.  My mom's coming to visit in a couple of weekends, and my goal is to get in a couple of pictures with Grandma and to also have her take a family picture.

And of course...a few pictures that are kind of cute but represent some of the more "non-cooperative" moments of our photo shoot!